One Tough Teacher – Zelda The Dog
Towards the end of 2017 I was instinctually guided to create space in my life. What for? Well, that remained to be seen. I knew it would be a time of learning, a deeper dive into all things yoga, mindfulness, as well as my newest obsession Human Design. Little did I know that life would send one tough teacher – Zelda the cattle dog.

She’s Actively Teaching Me
- How to accept/respect and love her for the DOG that she is
- Moment to moment presence
- Balance between exercise, boundaries, and love
- Energy – the unspoken communication we all share as beings and use all day everyday
- Calm-assertive leadership
Resulting in a well balanced, mutually respected and deeply bonded relationship.
Cesar’s Way – How This Came About
I couldn’t believe my eyes. We went to the store for some puppy essentials. While we toyed with the idea of feeding her a Vegan diet, I had no idea this was even an option, Zelda barks to get this German Shepherds attention. He turns and approaches her, she runs to hide behind my legs. What follows absolutely shocked me.
Not only was he off lease in a pet store, filled with all sort of possible distractions, but there was a puppy inching her way towards him, yet her remained unaffected.
The owner comes up and instructs this beautiful dog (I mean his coat was glorious, he looked so content and was super well behaved, I was impressed) to lay down, by simply pointing her finger to the ground, “You know you have to come down for her to meet you” she says. I was SHOCKED. Not only was he off lease in a pet store, filled with all sort of possible distractions, but there was a puppy inching her way towards him, yet he remained unaffected. That’s how we learned about Cesar’s Way.
The Biggest Takeaway
The biggest takeaway from Cesar Millan’s book was that you cannot apply human psychology to a dog. Did you know that dogs descended from Wolves? To honor the most instinctual needs of any dog we must see them for what they are – the loyal, unconditionally loving dog, not baby, that they are. It’s quite simple actually, but only after you wrap your head around the fact that your dog is a dog first.
To foster balance and a clam mind, according to Millan, a dog requires a strong pack leader who will ensure the survival of the pack. Which requires, but is not limited to, adequate exercise (which will vary depending on the energy level of the dog), boundaries/discipline/limitations, finally affection. In that order.
- Exercise
- Discipline
- Affection
Life with Zelda 
I didn’t rescue a dog to fill some need. I genuinely love to share my life with animals. In fact, I bought my very first pet Elvin, a white ferret, with my very first check from my very first job.
When my husband and I moved out West, 4.5 years ago, into a stellar beach shack, the only downside was no pets allowed. We chose to rolled with it and trust. I don’t rush things in my life, nothing good ever came from forcing things.
Needless to say when Zelda arrived it was the most impeccable timing (quite an epic story too, maybe I’ll write about it someday). Literally, the universe and I moved mountains to manifest her in our lives. She is a fearlessly adventurous ball of energy I am happy to nurture and get to know. Each morning she has inspired me to begin my day slow, pause to watch the sun rise, dip my feet in the blue ocean, and even run! One of my intentions for 2018 was to start my day with a walking meditation – it seems I got that one covered! Thanks Z!

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